This session examines the legal and ethical frameworks involved in implementing Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) orders in adults, and how these orders are affected by subsequently proceeding to anaesthesia and surgery.
This session introduces the geriatric syndrome of frailty and shows how it may be used in preoperative assessment to improve surgical outcomes in the elderly.
In this session, you will learn how aging and illness suffered by older people can affect perceptual processes, as well as cognitive and psychological processes, leading to potential communication difficulties. It will offer you practical strategies to im
This session looks at the basics of peripheral intravenous cannulation including the ideal sites for insertion, the size of cannula to use and the need for local anaesthetic. This session presents how to recognize arterial placement in a shocked patient a
The session begins by describing the body fluid compartments and daily fluid requirements. It then considers how each type of IV fluid available is best suited to replacing losses from each compartment.
This session covers basic knowledge of tracheostomies and laryngectomies including:<br><br>• The difference between tracheostomy and laryngectomy and why<br> this is critically important<br>• Relevant anatomy and physiology<br>•
This session describes how to assess a patient with suspected sepsis and recognize the differential diagnoses in suspected sepsis both on admission to hospital and in hospital.
Oxygen is one of the most commonly used drugs in the hospital, especially in patients with or at risk of critical illness. This session will outline the principles of safe oxygen administration in critically ill patients.