This session is concerned with how anaesthesia affects the respiratory system, and how these changes lead to the clinical effects seen during anaesthesia. The session will illustrate the clinical effects of altered respiratory mechanics, the clinical effe
This session explains the ways in which a critical incident can result from a respiratory problem and suggests a logical sequence for rapidly identifying and correcting the cause.
This session will describe the management of unanticipated difficult intubation including failed intubation. This can be a life-threatening scenario, especially in conjunction with an inability to oxygenate. This session will also introduce the 2015 Diffi
This session covers the recognition of correct and incorrect airway placement – for both the tracheal tube (TT) and the supraglottic airway device. The session describes the potential problems encountered, how to make the diagnosis and how to manag
This session introduces the cLMA (classic laryngeal mask airway), covering its history and development through to usage, indications, contraindications and complications.
This session covers basic equipment, appropriate preparation for laryngoscopy and a step-by-step guide to a sound technique for laryngoscopy. The session also covers grading the view of the larynx on laryngoscopy.
This session covers airway maintenance using the facemask. The equipment and basic technique is covered, including the complications that may arise and guidance for good practice.
This session covers the pre-operative assessment and prediction of difficult airway, including difficult mask ventilation, difficult laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion, difficult laryngoscopy/intubation and difficult tracheal access.