This session describes the standard management of inhalation induction of anaesthesia in infants and children who are ASA 1 or 2. Children of all ages may need to have anaesthesia induced by the inhalational method. This session also covers definitions, i
Post extubation airway difficulties occur relatively frequently. These have the potential to cause morbidity and mortality, especially if managed poorly. The aim of this session is to recognize and manage airway complications that may occur following extu
This session examines three variations of the classic laryngeal mask airway (LMA Classic® or cLMA): the intubating LMA (ILMA®), the flexible LMA (LMA Flexible® or FLMA) and the LMA Pro-Seal® (or PLMA). It co
This session introduces the three gases and vapours that are commonly used for induction of anaesthesia: sevoflurane, halothane and nitrous oxide. The relationship between the physical properties of the agents, how the agents build up in the lungs during
This session will describe the classical stages of anaesthesia as seen in un-premedicated patients breathing ether as the sole anaesthetic agent. The importance of recognizing these stages as a leap forward for patient safety will be illustrated in its hi
Maxillofacial surgery ranges from simple dental extractions to complex maxillofacial reconstructions. By the end of this session you should be familiar with the common problems that may be encountered during this type of surgery.
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgery presents a diverse range of challenges, including patients with difficult airways, those at the extremes of age and the difficulties of sharing access to the airway with the surgeon. By the end of the session you should
This session provides guidance on preparing an airway management plan based on a patient’s medical history and physical examination. It leads you through an airway assessment, highlighting those features that allow you to predict potential airway m