Insertion of tubes into the trachea for the purpose of ventilation or protection of the airway is a core skill for anaesthetists. This session looks at the devices which facilitate this. The devices are categorized and described so as to encourage the rea
This session provides an introduction to extraglottic (also known as supraglottic) airway devices. Maintenance of the airway is of paramount importance in anaesthesia and, indeed, the whole of medicine. These devices allow hands-free maintenance of an ope
This session provides an introduction to airway adjuncts, their uses and contraindications. Maintenance of the airway is of paramount importance in anaesthesia, and indeed the whole of medicine. Airway adjunct devices aid the maintenance of an open airway
Oxygen and other gases are administered to patients via face masks and other devices, inside and outside the operating theatre. This session provides an overview of face masks and the variable and fixed performance oxygen delivery devices used in daily cl
This session will cover the structure of the lungs and pleura at a cellular level. In particular there will be an emphasis on the structure and function relationships which allow gas exchange to occur.
This session describes the anatomy of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. The nerve supply to the larynx and the implications of damage to these nerves is also described.
This session focuses on the anatomy of the nose. It will also explore complications of nasal instrumentation, the functions of the nose, and its vascular and nerve supply.
This session is a guide to the use of spontaneous ventilation techniques during general anaesthesia in paediatric patients. Relevant respiratory anatomy and physiology in paediatric patients is considered, with particular reference to the potential limita