This session discusses the investigation and initial management of patients with suspected lung cancer, either in clinic or as in-patients, covering the important questions in the history, salient examination points and investigations before a multidiscip
This session focuses on how to take an occupational history, with particular reference to respiratory diseases such as asbestosis and occupational asthma.
This session considers different types of interstitial lung disease and key investigations used to arrive at a diagnosis. The different treatment and management options available for patients are also covered.
This session discusses how tuberculosis might present acutely to the Emergency Department or on the Acute Medical Take (e.g. pulmonary, spinal, meningitis). It also examines the complications of anti-tuberculous chemotherapy that may present acutely (e.g.
This session reviews non-drug interventions within an integrated approach to the management of breathlessness. This session was reviewed by Richard Kitchen and last updated in March 2020.
This session will cover diabetes and endocrine disease in pregnancy including preconception care, pregnancy-related physiology of the endocrine system and maternal health during pregnancy and postpartum.
This session covers gastrointestinal disease in pregnancy including preconception care, pregnancy-related gastrointestinal physiology and maternal health during pregnancy and postpartum.
This session will cover acute and chronic haematological disease in pregnancy including preconception care, pregnancy-related physiology and maternal health during pregnancy and postpartum. This session will focus on the haematological and dermatological