This session provides an overview of regional anaesthesia, including the physics of ultrasound, how to optimise ultrasound images, and the equipment and techniques required to safely perform peripheral nerve blocks.
This session provides an overview of performing a spinal, epidural and combined spinal epidural (CSE) technique, including complications and troubleshooting.
This session examines the blocks of the abdomen including rectus sheath block, transversus abdominus plane (TAP) block, penile and pudendal blocks, ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric blocks.<br><br> The session will explore the indications, contraindication
This session will provide an overview of the commonly performed lower limb nerve blocks including fascia iliaca, femoral nerve, adductor canal, popliteal sciatic nerve and ankle blocks. It will explore each of these blocks in detail including the relevant
This session outlines three communication styles: assertive, passive and aggressive. The process and advantages of assertive communication are then de...
This session considers approaches to harnessing the contributions of others and to dealing with disagreements and conflict constructively. This sessio...