This session focuses on the anatomy of the nose. It will also explore complications of nasal instrumentation, the functions of the nose, and its vascular and nerve supply.
This session describes the anatomy of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. The nerve supply to the larynx and the implications of damage to these nerves is also described.
This session will cover the structure of the lungs and pleura at a cellular level. In particular there will be an emphasis on the structure and function relationships which allow gas exchange to occur.
This session provides an outline of the important differences between the adult and the paediatric airways. The overall objective is to give the trainee the understanding of the development of the anatomy of the airway from birth to adulthood, which is ne
This session examines the anatomical basis of anaesthetic airway management. It includes a discussion on factors influencing mouth opening and the anatomy of the craniocervical junction.
This session considers the common clinical problems associated with adult polycystic kidney disease, outlines screening options and offers strategies to prevent further complications of the disease.