This session identifies those properties of a neuromuscular blocking agent that would make it an ideal short-acting muscle relaxant. The properties of currently available agents will be compared with those of the ideal agent using relevant clinical scenar
This session outlines the anatomical and physiological arrangements of the autonomic nervous system including receptors and transmitters involved with relevance to pharmacological agents.
This session discusses the mode and duration of action, metabolism, side-effects and the use in theatre of drugs that stimulate adrenergic receptors, including direct and indirect acting sympathomimetics.
This session examines the basic anatomy of the parasympathetic nervous system, as well as the synthesis, release and metabolism of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine in this system and the drugs that act upon these processes.
This session reviews which medication groups are recommended for the prevention or treatment of ischaemic heart disease and provides an overview of the most commonly used drug groups.
This session reviews the physiology of the cardiac action potential and describes the methods of arrhythmia generation. It also defines the classification methods available for arrhythmias along with the positive and negative attributes of each.