This session discusses which tests may be useful before surgery, including the NICE guidelines. It explains why false positives will outnumber true positives for most screening tests in most populations, even tests that are 99 % sensitive and 99 % specifi
This session describes why history and examination are important when planning anaesthesia. Identifying factors putting the patient at additional risk should be identified prior to surgery so that peri-operative planning can take them into account.
This session describes the preoperative visit. The visit confirms that the preadmission assessment service has prepared the patient, home and hospital so that scheduled surgery may proceed safely. The patient decides whether they are happy for you to anae
Local anaesthetic agents are useful adjuncts to general anaesthesia. They can be used to provide local blockade of nerves supplying a surgical area, which can reduce the perioperative use of strong opioid drugs and so reduce the unwanted effects of these
This session outlines the members of the anaesthesia team in an operating theatre, and describes their interactions with the teams involved in preoperative assessment, acute pain management and critical care. It explains the importance of working as a tea
Anaesthetists use gas cylinders every day as part of their clinical practice. This session examines the physical components of the gas cylinders, analyses the pressure changes that exist in oxygen and nitrous oxide cylinders, and explores Entonox (BOC Hea