This session defines the mortality rate for patients admitted to ICUs in the UK and discusses important aspects of severity of illness scoring systems that are applied to this population. This session also looks at the longer-term non-mortality outcomes e
This session describes the modes of mechanical ventilation used on the intensive care unit and addresses the complications associated with prolonged mechanical ventilation.
This session describes the process of weaning from mechanical ventilation, the pathophysiology that affects the success of weaning and the predictors of weaning success and failure. It also describes weaning techniques and the role of tracheostomy and non
Cardiogenic shock is acute heart failure in its most severe form. This session defines the condition and explores its causes, diagnosis and management.
This session explores the identification, assessment and diagnosis of dementia and the benefits of an early diagnosis. Later, it will investigate what...
This session explains how to assess a child with fever using the ‘traffic light’ system. It discusses febrile seizures, their features and management,...