This course offers an overview of the reasons for, consequences of, and management of school attendance. It also looks at some common or serious condi...
This course describes the approach of the school health team and the school nurse to supporting the health needs of the primary school child; the iden...
This course describes the common public health issues affecting primary school children, including emotional development, infections, safety and accid...
This course looks at the identification, assessment and support of the child with additional needs including learning difficulties, neurodevelopmental...
This module describes how the health and social care workforce can enable people to live well with dementia, covering a range of topics across a range...
This course sets the context for the healthy school child programme and describes the wider team supporting children of primary school age and reviews...
These sessions will develop your knowledge and skills in a range of topics including contraception choices, history taking and risk, STIs, caring for ...
These guides aim to give you an introduction to e-GP and some of the courses within e-GP. It is suggested that you read 'Learning General Practice wit...
Based on the core RCGP curriculum statement, this RCGP course provides an overview of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of a competent GP i...
This module contains relevant topics regarding GP consulations. Included short courses of variours topics aims to give understanding and guidance rela...