This session addresses the causes of swollen, painful limbs, with a particular focus on deep vein thrombosis. The assessment, investigations and management of deep vein thrombosis will be covered.
This session addresses the causes of swollen, painful limbs, with a particular focus on deep vein thrombosis. The assessment, investigations and management of deep vein thrombosis will be covered.
This session covers the use of anticoagulants in pregnancy, with specific reference to the acute management of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in pregnancy. The safety issues for the mother and fetus of unfractionated heparin (UH), low molecular weight hepar
This session looks at the causes of chest pain in pregnant women. It covers how to differentiate and investigate the pain as well as how to treat the causes, concentrating predominantly on thromboembolism, ischaemic heart disease and dissection.