This session examines the nature of electromagnetic radiation. It describes the properties of electromagnetic waves and illustrates the types of radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum, with reference to quanta and different properties across
This session discusses and defines terms commonly used in acid-base chemistry and relates the importance of acid-base balance to the anaesthetist. Conventional models of acid-base chemistry are examined and the functioning of the glass electrode used for
This session describes the main types of isomers and outlines the way in which isomerism plays a part in determining the comparative pharmacological effects of a range of compounds.
This session explores atomic structure and what atoms are made of. It looks at the forces within the atom and also how atoms can be classified in the periodic table.
This session investigates the principle of preoxygenation with tidal ventilation and how this leads naturally to the mathematical constant e and exponential processes.
This session focuses on apnoea and the process of modelling the physiology of apnoea. This uses simple mathematics to answer some fundamental questions about what happens when a patient stops breathing.
This session builds on the analysis of the relationship between alveolar ventilation and the resulting steady-state arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide to derive the alveolar gas equation, sometimes called the alveolar air equation.