This session describes the anatomy of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. The nerve supply to the larynx and the implications of damage to these nerves is also described.
This session explores the identification, assessment and diagnosis of dementia and the benefits of an early diagnosis. Later, it will investigate what...
This session explains how to assess a child with fever using the ‘traffic light’ system. It discusses febrile seizures, their features and management,...
This session describes the prevalence and impact of meningitis. You will learn to recognise the symptoms and how to conduct immediate management of a ...
This session considers the management of children who present with acute abdominal pain in general practice. The management of chronic and recurrent a...
This session will examine sexual practices and highlight the relative risks of sexually transmitted infection (STI) acquisition and unplanned pregnancy associated with sexual behaviours at a population level.
This session will examine the ways in which a sexual history can be different from a general medical history. It will discuss some of the issues from the patient/client’s perspective and highlight some of the barriers to effective communication in
This session will explain 'The NHS Trusts and Primary Care Trusts (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Directions 2000' and confidentiality as it applies to the sexual health setting. It will also examine the specific issues which can arise in clinical pract
This session covers the anatomy of the male genital tract. It will also cover the physiology of the male genital tract as relevant to the practice of genitourinary medicine.
This session will cover the anatomy of the female genital tract. It will also cover the physiology of the female genital tract as relevant to the practice of genitourinary medicine.