This session will review the importance of contraception after childbirth and its role in preventing unintended and closely-spaced pregnancies. It wil...
This session considers the safety and effectiveness of contraception in individuals with a raised BMI. It also includes some practical considerations....
This session will explore the different contraceptive needs for individuals over 40, and which methods of contraception are safe and suitable for wome...
This session will help frontline healthcare staff to identify victims of modern slavery and take appropriate action to address their health and safety...
This session forms the first stage of providing the health visitor profession with a model of practice that you and families can use to guide your wor...
This session focuses on key working being implemented in practice as well as how Early Support materials can be used and adapted by families and profe...
This session gives details of the range of Developmental Journals for children and young people of different ages and with different developmental sup...