This session will focus on injury prevention and safety in children of school age. It will explore road safety, sun exposure, second-hand smoke exposu...
This session covers assessing normal and abnormal growth, puberty and essential nutrition. This session uses self assessments that help you check what...
This session provides a developmental approach with which to assess children who are having behavioural or academic trouble at school. A case study wi...
In this session, we will describe what dementia is, how common it is and what it is like to live with its common symptoms, both for the person and the...
This session will investigate the most common medications prescribed for people living with dementia, including their risks and benefits and the impor...
This session will explore the roles, needs, rights and experiences of family members caring for a relative living with dementia. It will describe ways...
This session will investigate how factors such as stigma, age, gender and ethnicity affect the experience of living with or caring for people with dem...