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OneLondon leader to share a joined-up success story

OneLondon leader to share a joined-up success story

As Australia moves towards a seamless, joined-up health system, the success of the award-winning OneLondon journey in the UK demonstrates the power of collaboration at scale. OneLondon is dedicated to sharing information safely and securely to deliver better, more joined up care across the capital.

Its initiatives include the London Care Record, the Universal Care Plan and the new eMental Health Act platforms - together making a positive difference to health and care across the capital and beyond.

Jocelyn Palmer, the programme director for OneLondon, will visit Australia to present a keynote address at HIC2024 in Brisbane (August 5-7). Her area of interest has long been around information sharing at scale – across multiple organisations and spanning health and social care. “There are five different integrated care systems across London – and our OneLondon work is focused on where we need to do work together across the Capital, particularly when it relates to information sharing and data sharing,” Jocelyn said.

“We know what the problems are, and this work is all about working across organisational boundaries, understanding other people’s perspectives; building trusted relationships and collaboration.”

“Our ambition is for London to be the healthiest global city, and the best in which to receive health and care services. This means we need to transform the way we work so that we improve healthcare for all of London’s communities,” she said. From a digital health perspective, London is complex - there are a huge range of services from small community to large, specialist hospitals. “Patients come into London from many parts of the country, and Londoners receive care across the Capital and our systems and data are still disparate/unconnected. This fragmentation impacts our ability to deliver the best care.”

At HIC 2024, Jocelyn will focus on the real-life and practical experiences in London and explore the transformative journey of OneLondon. “I’ll share the driving factors behind our work, some of our highlights and the challenges we have faced along our journey,” she said.

The Australasian Institute of Digital Health says interoperability is a key challenge across health and care and the OneLondon experience is highly relevant to the goals and ambitions of Australia’s National Interoperability Plan. Interoperability is also a strategic priority in Australia’s National Digital Health Strategy which states “the interoperability of clinical information is essential to high-quality, sustainable healthcare in which clinical information is collected in a prescribed manner and can be shared in real time with patients and their providers.”

Jocelyn says she will be sharing the challenges faced by OneLondon including privacy and information governance considerations, technology, adoption challenges and sustainability.

About OneLondon

OneLondon was created in May 2018 to work together with Londoners to transform services by joining up information to support fast, safe, effective care. It is a collaborative of London’s five Integrated Care Systems (health and care partnerships formed by NHS organisations and local councils) and the London Ambulance Service. OneLondon is supported by NHS England

(London region), the Greater London Authority and London’s three Health Innovation Networks. 

About Jocelyn Palmer

Jocelyn’s expertise is in information sharing and collaboration at scale. Before joining OneLondon, she led the publication of ‘What Good Looks Like’ and co-created the Bristol-based ‘Connecting Care’ – an innovative shared care record partnership which changed how care was delivered locally and continues to deliver benefits today. Jocelyn holds an MSc in Information Technology and is an MSP (Managing Successful Programmes) Advanced Practitioner. She is passionate about successful collaboration, harnessing the transformational opportunities that technology offers health and care, interoperability, coaching and leading teams – to deliver real benefits to the NHS.


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