With so much focus on patient well-being, it can be easy to overlook staff well-being. Healthcare design and fit-out company Evoke Projects explores how better team well-being will help grow your healthcare practice.
Caring for the carers is a sound strategy for growing and sustaining a successful business. After all, the ability of the healthcare team to care for patients is obviously paramount. Interestingly, after observing the interrelationship between provider well-being and patient care, Professor T Bodenheimer and Dr C Sinsky proposed that the USA Health Care Triple Aim (which is to improve population health, enhance patient experience and reduce costs) should be expanded to include a Fourth Aim of "improving the work life of health care clinicians and staff".1
In the UK, Professor Michael West and Dame Denise Coia described how low well-being and associated strain is linked to increased medical errors amongst healthcare workers and could also impair decision making (having a negative impact on medical errors and patient outcomes). They also provided evidence suggesting that doctors with high levels of burnout had between 45% and 63% higher odds of making a medical error compared with those who had low levels.2
Research on team well-being and business success is convincing. For example, The Workplace Design for Well-being report by Haworth states how companies perform better and have stronger teams through workplace well-being initiatives.3 Their report states that when health and well-being are actively promoted in an organisation:
Reducing absenteeism will contribute to business growth and lower operating costs. According to a recent Harvard Business Review case study, Johnson & Johnson's leaders estimated that their wellness programs had cumulatively saved the company US$250 million on healthcare costs over the past decade.4
Glenn Llopis writes in Forbes about the traditional mindset of seeing staff health and wellness benefits as a "cost" when, in fact, they are "an engine for growth". He asks "why wouldn't we want to invest in individuals in every way possible?".5 This brilliant observation is backed up by the healthcare designers at Evoke Projects. They have seen clients who invest in staff well-being reaping the benefits in terms of motivation, loyalty, energy and attendance.
A wide ranging study into Health and Wellbeing Interventions in Healthcare was undertaken in the UK.6 It cited recent research by Bevan et al that the most common wellness initiatives currently implemented include:
In assessing the effectiveness of these and other well-being initiatives, the researchers concluded that there was not a 'winner'. It recommended that healthcare staff should have a choice of which initiatives they engage with because there was not a 'one-size fits all' solution.
Providing a positive workplace experience for healthcare staff is another way to improve well-being. The healthcare designers at Evoke Projects recommend these ideas for your next healthcare fit-out or refurbishment.
As well as providing a medical fit-out and facilities to support team well-being, managers should lead a cultural change that recognises carers need to take care of their own well-being to function at their best.
1. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Global Health; Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education; Forstag EH, Cuff PA, editors. A Design Thinking, Systems Approach to Well-Being Within Education and Practice: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2018 Oct 11. Appendix B, The Importance of Well-Being in the Health Care Workforce. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK540859/
2. https://www.employment-studies.co.uk/system/files/resources/files/556.pdf Citing West M, Coia D (2018), Caring for Doctors, Caring for Patients: How to transform UK healthcare environments to support doctors and medical students to care for patients, Available at: https://www.gmc-uk.org/-/media/documents/caring-for-doctors-caring-forpatients_pdf-80706341.pdf
3. https://www.thercfgroup.com/files/resources/workplace-design-for-well-being.pdf
Citing J. Parsons, M. Powell, and V. Culpin, 2012.
4. https://www.thercfgroup.com/files/resources/workplace-design-for-well-being.pdf
Citing L. Berry, A. Mirabito, and W. Baun, 2010
6. https://www.employment-studies.co.uk/system/files/resources/files/556.pdf