According to the Australian Commission on the Safety & Quality in Healthcare "good health care in hospitals and other healthcare services is not just about treating an illness. It is about making sure that the patient's values, needs and concerns are valued at all stages of treatment and care. It is about making sure patients are cared for and feel safe and confident in the quality of their care.
In the health sector, it's important that patients have a good experience – they are more likely to feel comfortable seeking treatment when they next need it. We also know that if patients have a good experience in hospital, their treatment is more likely to succeed and they are less likely to be readmitted or have complications. A strong rapport means patients will give comprehensive information on what is plaguing them, making it easier to treat and care for them too. Below are five principles that the healthcare sector can adhere with to guarantee a better time for patients.
Provide a Human Experience
It is important to remember that clinicians are not the only staff a patient will be interacting with – they will also be talking to receptionists, cleaners, and other employees. No matter what, practices and clinics must do what they can to ensure every interaction is pleasant, and friendly staff can influence how patients feel about the care they receive. Cultivating a positive culture is paramount to the patient experience, and people will work happier if they get the respect from their superiors that they deserve.
Listen to the Patient's Needs
One of the most common frustrations that patients can face in the health sector is feeling that professionals are not listening to them. Healthcare is a collaborative process, and one where the patient must feel like an active participant at all times – they may not divulge much about their condition otherwise. All staff must embrace active listening to ensure a mutual understanding, one that the patient is confident will give them the most empathetic care.
Embrace Technology and Digital-First Techniques
You should not limit healthcare's growth to just a greater understanding of illness – all of the techniques that a clinic employs must change with the times. Telehealth is a relatively recent innovation, one that can streamline the process for everyone. Digital health initiatives should be a core part of your practice, but you should employ digital literacy programs and make efforts to ensure everyone (patients and staff alike) understands any innovations.
Ensure the Space is Suitable
From waiting areas to doctors' offices, the practice's space must be safe, clean, and have the right amenities to help patients, such as Wi-Fi and charging ports to help keep patients and their visitors connected and calm. A personable, professional setting will give patients confidence in the practice's treatment. Spaces must be culturally appropriate and inclusive. Simple touches such as colour, greenery and natural sunlight will have a marked effect on patient mood, as well as on clinician mood too, leading to better outcomes for all.
Improve the Feedback Process
There is always room for improvement, and patients should have a space to reflect upon their care and help point the clinic or facility towards a healthy direction for growth. This will only work if the practice knows how patients are feeling. This means implementing a consistent way to get feedback from patients, with analytics and performance targets that put their needs first for best results.
These are just a few ways that the health sector can improve patient experiences across the board. With the pandemic causing a greater focus on healthcare and its quality, you must keep pace with people's needs - following these steps can help with this. To learn more about optimising patient experiences join us at the free to attend Australian Healthcare Week Expo 2022 on March 16th - 17th at the ICC, Sydney